The Japan Christian Review ★
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies ﹟★
Jewish Bible Quarterly ﹟
Jewish History ★
The Jewish Quarterly Review ★
Jewish Social Studies ★
Journal for Islamic Studies ﹟
Journal for Preachers ﹟
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion ﹟
Journal for the Study of the New Testament ﹟
Journal for the Study of the Old Testament ※ ﹟
Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies ★
Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics ★
Journal of Applied Christian Leadership ﹟★
Journal of Asian Mission ※
Journal of Asian Evangelical Theology ※
The Journal of Baha’i Studies ★
Journal of Biblical Counseling ◎
Journal of Biblical Literature ※ ﹟ ★
Journal of Chinese Religions ﹟
Journal of Church and State ﹟★
Journal of Clinical Pastoral Work ﹟
Journal of Cuneiform Studies ★
Journal of Early Christian Studies ★
The Journal of Ecclesiastical History ★
Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics ★
Journal of Ecumenical Studies ﹟
Journal of Empirical Theology
The Journal of Ethics ★
Journal of European Baptist Studies ﹟
Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society ﹟
Journal of Family Ministry ﹟
Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion ﹟★
Journal of Global Buddhism ★
Journal of Integral Theory and Practice ★
Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies ★
Journal of Latin American Theology: Christian Reflections from the Latino South ﹟
Journal of Marriage and Family ★
Journal of Moravian History ﹟
Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs ★
Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling ﹟
Journal of Pastoral Counseling ★
Journal of Philosophy; Kathmandu ★
Journal of Psychology and Theology ★
Journal of Qur?anic Studies ﹟
Journal of Religion and Health ★
Journal of Religious Ethics ﹟
Journal of Religion and Popular Culture ★
Journal of Religious Leadership ﹟
Journal of Religious Thought ﹟★
Journal of Research on Christian Education ★
Journal of Ritual Studies ﹟
Journal of Semitic Studies ﹟
Journal of Shi?a Islamic Studies ﹟
Journal of Spiritual Formation & Soul Care ﹟
Journal of the American Academy of Religion ﹟
Journal of the American Oriental Society ★
Journal of the Canadian Church Historical Society
Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society ﹟★
Journal of the History of Philosophy ★
Journal of the Interdenominational Theological Center ﹟
Journal of the Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis ﹟
Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics ﹟
Journal of Theological Interpretation ﹟
Journal of Theological Studies ﹟
Journal of Theology for Southern Africa ﹟★
Journal of Theta Alpha Kappa ﹟
Journal of Unification Studies ﹟
Journal of Value Inquiry ★
Journal of Women and Religion ★
Journal of Youth Ministry ﹟
Judaica Librarianship ﹟
Judaism ★
Kairos (Guatemala): Revista publicada por el Seminario Teologico Centroamericano﹟
Kant - Studien ; Philosophische Zeitschrift ★
Koers ★
Latin American Indian Literatures Journal: A Review of American Indian Texts and Studies ﹟
Lexington Theological Quarterly ﹟
Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations ★
Liturgical Ministry ﹟
Living Pulpit ﹟
Logos : Anales des Seminario de Metafisica ★
Lutheran Quarterly ﹟
Lutheran Theological Journal ★
Master’s Seminary Journal ﹟
Medicine, Health Care, and Philosophy ★
Mennonite Quarterly Review ﹟
Mid-America Journal of Theology ﹟
Mid-Stream: The Ecumenical Movement Today ﹟
Missio apostolica ﹟
Missiology: An International Review ﹟
Mission Studies: Journal of the International Association for Mission Studies ﹟
Modern Believing ﹟
Modern Churchman ﹟
Modern Theology ﹟
Moment ★
The Monist; An International Quarterly Journal of General Philosophical Inquiry ★
The Month ★
Muslim World ﹟★
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics ★
National Catholic Reporter ★
Near Eastern Archaeology ﹟
Neue Zeitschrift fur Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie ★
New Oxford Review ★
Newsletter of the Conference on Christianity and Literature ﹟
New Testament Studies ★
Nova religio ﹟★
Novum Testamentum ﹟
Numen: International Review for the History of Religions ﹟
Occasional Bulletin ﹟
Occasional Bulletin of Missionary Research ﹟
Ogbomoso Journal of Theology ﹟
Old Testament Abstracts ※
Orate Fratres ﹟
Orientalia ﹟
Pacifica : Journal of the Melbourne College of Divinity ★
Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies ﹟
Pastoral Psychology ★
Peacework ★
PentecoStudies: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Research on the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements ﹟
Perkins Journal ﹟
Perkins School of Theology journal ﹟
Persona y Bioetica ★
Perspective (Pittsburgh) ﹟
Perspectives in Religious Studies ﹟
Philobiblon ★
Philosophical Psychology ★
Philosophy ★
Philosophy East and West ★
Philosophy Today ★
Philosophy and Literature ★
Philosophy, Psychiatry & Psychology : PPP ★
Phronema: Annual Review of St. Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Theological College ﹟
Pittsburgh Perspective ﹟
Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies ﹟
Political Theology ﹟
Pomegranate: The International Journal of Pagan Studies ﹟
The Pope Speaks ★
Practical Theology ﹟
Presbyterion: Covenant Seminary Review ﹟
Prism: A Theological Forum for the United Church of Christ ﹟
Pro Ecclesia ﹟
Proceedings (Grand Rapids, Mich.) ﹟
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society ★
Prooftexts ★
Pure Land: Journal of European Shin Buddhism ﹟
Pure Land (Berkeley, Calif.): Journal of Pure Land Buddhism ﹟
Quaker Studies ★
Reconstructionist: A Journal of Contemporary Jewish Thought & Practice ﹟
Reformation: the journal of the Tyndale Society ﹟
Reformation & Renaissance Review ﹟
Reformed Journal ﹟
Religion and American Culture: A Journal of Interpretation ﹟ ★
Religion and Intellectual Life ﹟
Religion East & West: Journal of the Institute for World Religions ﹟
Religion in the News ﹟
Religion, State & Society ★
Religion Watch ★
Religions ★
Religions of South Asia ﹟
Religious Education ﹟ ★
Religious Studies and Theology ﹟ ★
Religious Studies Bulletin ﹟
Religious Studies Review ﹟
Res Publica ★
Research in Phenomenology ★
Restoration Quarterly ﹟
Review & Expositor ﹟
Review of Contemporary Philosophy ★
The Review of Metaphysics ★
Revista de Filosofia ★
Road to Emmaus: a Journal of Orthodox Faith and Culture ﹟
Rural Theology: International, Ecumenical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives ﹟
SA. Sociological Analysis: A Journal in the Sociology of Religion ﹟
Science et Esprit ﹟
Scottish Journal of Theology ★
Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia ★
Scripta Theologica ﹟
Search ★
Semeia ﹟★
Seminary Ridge Review ★
Sewanee Theological Review ★
Shane Quarterly ﹟
Shofar ★
The Sikh Messenger ★
Social Philosophy & Policy ★
Social Work and Christianity ★
Society for the Study of Chinese Religions Bulletin ﹟
Sociological Analysis (Worcester, Mass.) ﹟
Sociology of Religion ﹟★
Sojourners Magazine ★
Sophia ★
The Southern Journal of Philosophy ★
Southwestern Journal of Theology ﹟
Springfielder ﹟
Spiritual Life ★
Spiritus ★
St. Anthony Messenger ★
St Vladimir’s Seminary Quarterly ﹟
St Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly ﹟
Stone-Campbell Journal ﹟
Studia Leibnitiana ★
Studies in Philosophy and Education ★
Studies in World Christianity and Interreligious Relations ﹟ ★
Svensk missionstidskrift ﹟
Taoist Resources ﹟
Theological Education ◎
Theological Studies ﹟★
Theologische Rundschau ﹟
Theology & Sexuality ﹟ ★
Theology Today ﹟ ★
Theophilyon : revue des Facultes de theologie et de philosophie de l’Universite catholique de Lyon ﹟
Think ★
Tikkun ★
Today’s Catholic Teacher ★
Touchstone: Heritage and Theology in a New Age ﹟
Tradition: A Journal of Orthodox Jewish Thought ﹟★
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society ★
Trinity Journal ※ ★
Tyndale Bulletin ﹟
Tyndale House Bulletin ﹟
Union Seminary Quarterly Review ﹟
U.S. Catholic ★
Utilitas ★
UU World : The Magazine of the Unitarian Universalist Association ★
Verbum et Ecclesia ★
Vetus Testamentum ﹟
Vigiliae christianae: A Review of Early Christian Life and Language ﹟
Vision (Winnipeg, Man.): a Journal for Church and Theology ﹟
Washington Jewish Week ★
The Westminster Theological Journal ﹟
Women in Judaism ★
Word & World: Theology for Christian Ministry ﹟
Word Among Us ★
Worship ﹟
Zeitschrift fur Die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft ※ ★
Zeitschrift fur Dialektische Theologie ﹟
Zeitschrift fur Dialektische Theologie.Supplement Series ﹟
Zeitschrift fur Neuere Theologiegeschichte ★
Zeitschrift fur die Neutestamentliche Wissenchaft und die Kunde der Alteren Kirche★
Zeitschrift fur Theologie und Kirche ﹟
Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego. Studia Religiologica ★
Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science ﹟